Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Ms. Partridge

by Cali S, Staff Writer

Ms. Partridge

​​How many years have you worked at Gal? How many years as department head?

This is my 7th year at galileo and 3rd year as department head 

Why did you decide to teach at Galileo? 

 I was teaching in Oakland but I was trying to teach in San Francisco since I started teaching but there were never any art openings 

What are your extra responsibilities as department head?

The biggest one is i take care of the art department budget, I help with scheduling classes and I help hire new hires and I do interviews. I led meetings and go to department head meetings. I help teachers one on one to troubleshoot problems.

What are the benefits/ drawbacks

The benefit is I know most of the staff on campus, and I really like that. People come to me and feel comfortable talking to me as a department  head. The drawbacks are it is a little bit more work.

What is your least favorite thing about being a DH?

My least favorite thing about being a department head is there’s extra department head meetings.

Why did you want to become department head?

I felt like the arts were stale here and I wanted to move our art department more known across the district. I feel like we have great art teachers and artists 

here and wanted to showcase them more.

How hard is it to balance your tasks as a department head and classroom teacher 

For me not hard at all I’m able to delegate certain times. We are given an extra prep period so it makes it easier to get a lot of things done.

How do you think other teachers would describe you as department head? 

I think they would describe me as Orgianzed thoughtful a go-getter and a problem solver.

What qualities do you bring as department head?

A quality I bring is hard work because I care about the arts so I think more people should be able to take them and the arts could be more integrated.

FUN FACT about yourself

I almost didn’t graduate high school, my attendance in 11th grade was almost non-existing, out of four months I went to school two days, so I chose to go to a continuation high school for troubled youth and ended up graduating 6 months early

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