Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

College isn’t always the first move

By: Riley Figueroa, Myles Chu Staff Writers

Many students are going to college such as San Jose State, City College, etc., but there are a few students who are planning on going to the military then going to college or having a gap year to focus on other things. We asked seniors what they wanted to do after high school and here’s some of the knowledge they shared about the benefits of having gap years and other exclusive pathways. 

Luis R., Senior

I’m going to take a gap year because I want to be an “adult” and call it a break from school. I’m planning on having a part time job to bring in some income to save money for the future and to  learn financial responsibility since many students don’t know the complexity of finance. That’s why I believe taking a gap year is best for me so I can understand the real world and the way money works so I can better prepare myself for college. I plan on doing many things throughout my gap year, including volunteering and taking online courses for programming. 

I will go to college after my gap year as it is my dream to go to college. I plan on going to city college in a year or two and after that, I’m aiming to transfer to a more prestigious college like Harvard and major in political science which is my dream career to work for the government. Indeed, it is a challenging school to be admitted into, but it’s worth a shot, and it’s going to be a good motivator for me to try my hardest and succeed.

Benjamin A., Senior

Considering the expense of college, I’d rather just indulge in something that I find fun and would in return help pay for my college funds in the future. One interesting career that I have in mind is joining the marine corps and becoming a certified air crewman. Understandably, being in the marine corps comes with many perks, including the funds that I get from being in it, which I could use to pay for college if I do decide to make the decision of going to college in the future. I was inspired to be in the marine crew because my dad raised me to feel the want to serve for something and I immediately thought about the army or marine so it made me want to become a marine medic or marine surgeon as my dream career.

Christopher John De La C. – Senior

I’ve always been interested in being in the United States military, specifically the marine corps or the army. College is something that’s not on my mind right now and I want to focus on improving myself as an adult. I love helping others out as I feel it is essential to give back to the community. Eventually, when I do want to go to college, I’d like to attend San Francisco State, a college that is hands-down one of the easiest to get admitted into and one of the cheapest. I’m planning on majoring in computer science and computer engineering. As a future career, I’d love to work in big tech companies like Tesla, Google, or Windows.

Austin S. – Senior

I want to do more things than just go to college. I want to go to the military as well because ROTC is required. After going to the military and college, I want to be an entrepreneur because I want to be an officer in logistics and supply for the army.

Evy Olivia B. – Senior

I want to take a gap year because I want to have a break from any schools or studying, I want to have time to focus on what I want to do since in high school I was always focusing about my grades that I didn’t really have time to actually sit down and think on what I want my career to  be because I’m struggling between two majors. During the gap year I’m going to get a part time job and make sure I live in a stable place and that I am financially stable for college so I’m not struggling as much when I actually get to college. I don’t think I should rush to get into college because I can just join in later and I have time to actually get myself in a good place, I should take my time to decide which major to take. 

After maybe 2 years I’ll go to college and major in Chemistry or in the Medical field. I really enjoy Chemistry and I have a passion for it but I mostly want to go into the medical field because I want to help people. That’s why I want to take a gap year so I can have time to myself. 

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