Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

Teacher semester reflections

By Jimmy Liu and Xander Mui, staff writer

With the semester ending soon, many students look back and wish they could do things differently as they think about the upcoming spring semester. Teachers are similar, in that they also look back on how they did during the fall semester & what they can do better for the next semester. So the Galileo Press asked teachers & staff, “How was your semester & what would you like to change going into next semester?”

“This semester was, great; I’ve helped building the Galileo community well, next semester I could improve organizing mural class plans better.”

– Mural club, Jamon Tyus

“I need to do better job getting students to connect to past to the present. In my classes, they should be inquiring about why things are the way they are, and how we can improve – not just as a nation, but as people.”

– American Democracy/Economics teacher, Mr. Jung

“As a teacher, this semester I feel like I still need good connections, it’s great that I see a lot of growth in students, for the next semester, I would give more choice to students and time for self reflection on work.”

– Animation teacher, Ms. Partridge

“I’m satisfied with what I was able to do this semester and I hope I can do as well next semester. l’m in a program to learn basic computer science. It’s a lot! I hope I can keep it un in spring. If so, I’ll have managed to create a whole new year of curriculum plus learn the CS, plue manage an extra class, all with less prep time.”

– Biotech teacher, Ms. Schwanes

“It was a good semester. I’m happy with amount of effort that students put into studying and I’m happy with the improvement. The students are college ready. Something that can be improved next semester is getting students off their phones.”

– Calculus teacher, Ms. Nelson

“After distance learning, I feel like every year not teaching online will be awesome. I’m encouraged that out of class behavior is being addressed. Students in general are still experiencing learning loss from the pandemic. I would better communicate with students.”

– Math teacher, Ms. Su

“To put it in one word, this semester was hectic. I was adapting to a new school, new schedule and I had to get used to switching between three different classrooms. A way that I can improve is making more student centered activities.”

– Avid teacher, Mr. Xavier

Thought we would be back to normal after covid, but I was wrong. Something that can be improved is creating better communication with students.

– Digital Communications teacher, Mr. Machtay

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