Galileo Student Journalism | Galileo Academy of Science & Technology | San Francisco

SPED Teachers Winter Poll

By Logan Tracy, Riley Figueroa, Kelly Li, Myles Chu Staff Writers

As we are just getting back from Winter break we felt it was appropriate to ask teachers “How was your Winter Break overall”

“Overall it was relaxing. I totally did not work at all and I did get sick briefly but I recovered. Overall it was chill, I spent time with my family and we didn’t do much since it is COVID so we spent time as a family in small groups.” -Ms.Epsy

“It was a lot of fun and very relaxing. I went to Florida with my boyfriend and his daughters. I also hung out with my own children in the city.” – Ms. Ritchey

“My winter break was really restful and i didn’t do much I watched a lot of Netflix and that’s basically what I did and I cooked for myself and I did go to the testing center to obviously get tested for COVID, I didn’t hang out with anyone as there is still COVID. So basically I was just by myself and technically did a self quarantine since I didn’t want to risk giving anyone the virus if I actually have it even though I’m not showing any symptoms. So that’s why I just stayed at home and did nothing much.” – Ms. Meng

“It was ok, a lot of people got sick so it was like 2020 all over again in some ways but it was ok it was nice to have a little break. I stayed at home for most of it but I went to Seattle for New Years. ” Ms. Mcnulty-Kowal

“It was great I stayed in Florida the whole time and it was warm. I actually have family there and I have a friend who I’ve known since kindergarten so I visited her and we sat at the beach since we both liked sitting at beaches where it’s warm.” – Ms. Gibbons

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